Fun Outdoor Family Photo Session with the Family Dog | Dizon Family | Roseville, CA

Family walking with their dog in a field during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

Myrla wanted to do a fun outdoor family photo session with the family dog.  Kylo just turned 6 months old and the family wanted to document this doggie milestone.  The Dizon Family loved the idea of a Spring photo shoot.  West Park in Roseville, California was the perfect venue!

family posing crouched on the ground with family dog

daughters crouched down and posing with family dog

Candid Photos with Movement

With the family dog in mind, I decided to do more candid and movement poses.  Kylo had so much energy so we ran with it!  The Dizons were totally game with my posing prompts. They embraced even the silly posing instructions.  Our teamwork really made this a fun outdoor family photo session with the family dog!

mom and dad walking with family dog during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

daughters and dog posing in front of parents

parents kissing in the background and daughters are embarrassed during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

candid moment with family dog

Mini Sessions inside an Outdoor Family Photo Session

I love it when I can photograph the family in smaller groups and do solos.  Myrla’s daughters rocked their solos! Myrla and her mom did a stellar job with their solos as well.  Also, I think having mini group sessions highlight the different relationships within the family.  What a treat to have a three generation photo with Myrla’s mom, Myrla and her daughters.  I got pumped when I am able to do break outs sessions like “mom and me” and “dad and me”.  It also made my heart happy when I got photos of just the parents. All in all, these mini sessions celebrated the different aspects of their family!

young girl posing idea

teenager laughing pose idea during outdoor family photo session

Senior girl standing pose idea

Senior girl standing pose idea during outdoor family photo session

grandmother posing idea during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

female posing idea


sisters standing posing idea

dad laughing at the camera and mom kissing him on the check

couple standing posing idea during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

grandmother and mother hugging and smiling at the camera

grandmother, mother and daughters hugging and smiling at the camera

dad tickling teenage daughters during outdoor family photo session Roseville CA

Mom and daughters posing idea during outdoor family photo session

Family Photo Session and Outfit Changes

Myrla asked me if they could change into jeans for the second half of their family photo session.  I said “of course” because it would give their outdoor family photo session variety. It would also display more of the family members’ personalities. To keep in theme with my light and bright photography style, they stuck with light colored tops.  This color choice definitely brings our eyes to their faces!

grandmother, mother and daughters posing with the family dog


grandma, mother, father and daughters family photo during outdoor family photo session

young girl crouched down on the ground with her dog

family with their dog smiling at the camera

candid laughing moment with mom and daughters during outdoor family photo session



Want to do Your Own Family Photo Session?

Head over to my Contact Form to set up your Outdoor Family Photo Session with me! If you want to read more blogs like this one, click over to Gia Chong Photography – Blog. Talk to you soon!

dad and me posing idea