8th Grade Graduation Breakfast | Presentation School | Stockton CA

It is so hard to believe that my son Adrian and his class will be graduating from 8th Grade this Friday! It seems like it was just yesterday when our family moved to Stockton 5 years ago and Adrian started 3rd Grade at Presentation School presentationschool.org. What a pleasure it has been to watch him and his classmates change and grow over the years. The school, with the help of parent volunteers, put together the 8th Grade Graduation Breakfast this morning.

Breakfast Buffet

Midtown Creperie www.midtowncreperie.com donated the scrumptious breakfast which included sausage, bacon, eggs and various baked goods. The 8th Graders had a chance to hang out and enjoy the meal outdoors at the picnic area.


Thank You Volunteers and Congratulations Grads!

Thank you to parent volunteers Alice Dickson, Melissa Grizzle, Rose Iloreta, Shelby Spence, Mary Beth Stephens and Tammy Valdez for getting everything prepared for breakfast today! The class has been so fortunate with parents so generous with their time and resources year after year.

Good luck Class of 2021! We are all excited to see what you guys do next! Here’s to conquering high school!